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Accomplishments -- The missing socks edition

September 30th, 2009 at 01:36 am

So all the clothing in the house is clean -- really, there is nothing in the hamper. And still, I have unmatched socks. Where do they go! Also, with everything clean, I don't actually have enough hangers to go around. Either I need to buy more hangers, or I need to sort through my wardrobe. I think I will choose the latter. Alternatively, I guess I could just try to leave some dirty laundry in the hamper Smile

Here are my accomplishments for today:

(1) Checked online to see if the Comcast payment went through. I had tried to pay it online on Saturday, but never got to the confirmation screen. It turns out it never went through, so I paid it again today. This time it went through!

(2) Called the insurance company to cancel our renters insurance. We just moved, and for awhile we had policies on both places. (We had a month of overlap on our leases.) Today I called and cancelled the policy for the old place and switched our mailing address. We should even be getting a partial refund!

(3) Changed the registration sticker on the car. Since it expires tomorrow, I didn't want to worry about hubby getting pulled over on his way to/from work.

(4) Bought candy for work tomorrow. I needed to buy some for a particular work gathering.

(5) Completed two loads on laundry. Well, the second load is still in the dryer, but it will be completed. Thank goodness this second load is all blankets and towels, since I have no hangers left!

One great thing about this new plan to accomplish five things a day is that my husband has decided he wants to join in. I told him he can have three things to do a day. Not that I don't think he should be pulling his weight, but he has a 45-50 minute commute each way, while I only have a 20 minute one. So he has less time to spend on this stuff than I do. So far, though, I have already had him clean all of the toilets in the house. I love this plan!

What I accomplished today...

September 29th, 2009 at 12:16 am

I have decided to turn my blog into a record of my daily accomplishments, both big and small. Each day I will give myself a list of five tasks to accomplish. Then, at the end of the day, I will hold myself accountable for those tasks. Some will be finance related; some will not. Although I find that staying on top of all things (cooking, cleaning, etc) only helps me be more financially responsible, so I still think it's appropriate for a personal finance blog.

(Also, I'm been really motivated by the Saving Advice bloggers who've recently been posting all they've accomplished!)

Today I did the following things:

(1) Mailed the rent check. It should arrive either tomorrow or Wednesday, so it will be on time!
(2) Made pasta salad. (Side dish for dinner tonight and tomorrow.)
(3) Finished folding the laundry from all the loads I tackled yesterday.
(4) Wiped down the counter in the master bedroom.
(5) Planned out my work wardrobe for the rest of the week.

This last task is something that I decided to start doing today. I have to dress to a certain level for work, but I don't really have that many articles of appropriate work clothing. Which means every morning is a bit of an adventure! Sometimes I'm running late the the morning and realize at the last minute that I really don't have anything clean that's appropriate. Stressful! This way, I can be assured that I have clothing for the whole week, and that everything I am planning on wearing is clean or back from the dry cleaners. I think that will lead to a happier and more productive me all around!